Welcome to Kirklees
Community Plus

Supporting you and your community to be safe, connected and well 

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Volunteering and Employment.

Individual & One to One.

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I would like to thank you for all you have done for me, helping computer skills work, model club, etc…for being there for me and the support you have given me,  you taught me so much with your caring considerate approach of which I am very grateful. I am now looking forward to my holidays.
Introduction from Dewsbury


She has listened to him and his needs. Made suggestions about services that he may benefit from and followed up by taking him to the ones that he has shown an interest in. His confidence has increased as a result of the co-ordinators input.
Introduction from Batley
Group with arms around each other


You are an angel, I thought everyone had forgotten me, but you are the only person I have talked to today. Thank you for making my day.
Introduction from Huddersfield
Couple Preparing Food


Just wanted to say thank you.  Thomas has said, when CAMHS signed him off he felt like his security net was gone.  He said you have made him feel like it could be coming back.  He was listening to you and thinks that you seemed to understand better that other services have.  Again, thank you
Introduction from Rural
hands on top of each other in a circle


I have stared at four walls for the last 18 months, this is exactly what I needed – exercise with laughter! I have absolutely loved the class.
MAGIC Attendee


It is an activity that I enjoy. I enjoy supporting people, I meet new people & I have made friends. When there are enough leaders there, I don’t have to be there every week.
Walk Leader for Everybody Active Walks


You came into my life at my lowest point and supported me to get back on my feet and I am very grateful for everything that you have done for me  
Introduction from Huddersfield


Having someone who understood anxiety made a difference and that I could do things in my own time.
Introduction from Batley


My life over the previous year had been a lonely one as I’d unfortunately lost my partner. Jo came to visit me at my home. A lovely, positive caring and emphatic lady. I chose to attend a group in Batley called Peer Talk which has literally changed my life. I suffer from anxiety and depression and it’s a group that offers an ear and the chance to talk and have feedback about my life. I’ve made friends and my experience with Community Plus has helped so much. I can’t thank Jo enough
Introduction from Batley


It was like getting out of dark towards light. Honestly speaking, I was so lucky to be referred to community plus, and meeting with a lady like Jaime who has enlightened my mind and life.
Out of the dark, into the light


Community Plus has made a difference to my mental health and confidence in social settings
Introduction from Batley


Tracy’s support has made a huge difference to my health and wellbeing. Her kind and helpful nature has been a godsend. I feel so very fortunate for the encouragement and practical assistance.
Introduction from Huddersfield


  Without the Community Connector’s kindness, non-judgmental approach, listening skills, care, understanding and connections I truly don’t know if my brother would have had the will to carry on. Thank you to the Community Connector from the bottom of mine and mum’s hearts
Introduction from Rural


After being awarded a grant from Kirklees Council we are now able to offer a more localised yoga sessions, in particular within areas of lower socio-economic backgrounds and areas with high proportions of migrants and asylum seekers. This funding means we are able to continue to offer these sessions, gives residents continuity in their yoga practice and be part of a stable and caring community
Ellie Firth, Founding Director, Umbrella Yoga
Referral form