Cost of living became too much

A lady living alone found herself in dire straits following two bereavements and a difficult financial situation because of the cost-of-living crisis. Her large garden had become overgrown, and she had a large fridge freezer that was stuck in her lounge that she couldn’t remove and couldn’t afford to pay someone to remove. All of this was having a detrimental impact on this lady’s mental health and wellbeing.

A Community Plus Co-ordinator was assigned to support this lady and following an initial conversation it was identified together what was the most important issues to address, which were the overgrown garden and the removal of the large appliance.

The Branch reaches out

Our Community Co-ordinator contacted ‘The Branch’ at the Jubilee Centre in Paddock who did a should out to the local community for a volunteer to help with the overgrown garden. The Branch soon came back with a volunteer who was happy to spend time in the garden but didn’t have the necessary garden tools.

The Branch were able to support with funding to purchase tools and thus the garden was revamped. Kindly the volunteer has offered to maintain the garden moving forward.

Community comes together

The Branch were able to source a person to remove the large fridge freezer appliance form this lady’s home for which the lady was very grateful. Community Plus continue to support this lady with other challenges but for now her happiness and wellbeing have significantly improved.