About us

If you’re an individual, community group or constituted Third Sector organisation, such as a charity or Community Interest Company (CIC), looking to set up a new or expanding project or activity, we can support with advice and connect you with local partners. Our grants can help people set up community-led activities in Kirklees such as: coffee mornings, walking groups, gardening activities, knitting groups, dominoes clubs, youth groups, parent & toddler groups or other activities which are about:

  • Growing community capacity (volunteering, group partnerships, filling gaps in provision)
  • Connecting people in their communities
  • Helping people do more for themselves
  • Reducing social isolation and loneliness
  • Increasing people’s self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Developing skills which may lead to further training and education

Funding available:  Grants for Groups/Individuals up to £5000

Application Submission deadline: Midday Wednesday 6th November 2024

Applications are reviewed by Panels made up of members of the public from Kirklees voluntary & community sector and the Council. Our Panels make decisions based on the following:

  • Does it fully meet the criteria?
  • Is it clear what the project is?
  • Is the need demonstrated?
  • Is it well-costed / value-for-money / sustainable?
  • Does it evidence ability to deliver?
  • Are partnerships / referrals considered?

Please note: Not all eligible bids will be successful as this Fund is always over-subscribed. The Community Partnership Manager and Community Coordinators can support you to apply but they do not have any influence on Panel decisions. For more information, email communityplusfund@kirklees.gov.uk

Groups who have previously had funding from Community Plus, cannot apply for a grant for the same project. This is due to limited funding being available, increased demand and the ethos of the Fund being to encourage, develop and inspire new community activity.

We cannot fund projects which are already supported under an existing agreement with an internal or external organisation.

Eligibility checks take place when a bid arrives and some may be declined at this stage if they do not meet the criteria for the Fund or all the questions are not completed.

2023-2024 These groups were awarded grants at our recent funding round (average award £5k): Artish Huddersfield CIC, Be More Outdoors, Break the Box – Afghan women’s volleyball, Brunswick Centre, Callaloo Carnival Arts, Candle Art Workshop, Cleckheaton District Local History Group, Conscious Youth CIC, Dewsbury Celtic Sloggers, Dewsbury Community Choir, Dewsbury Community Outreach, Edens Forest CIC, Fartown Trinity Methodist Church, Friends of Birstall Library & Information Centre, Friends of Cleckheaton Library, Friends of Holmfirth Library & Tourist Information, Friends of Slaithwaite Spa Park, Gregory Fields Tennis Club, HD5 Community Hub, Healthy Hearts (Women’s Wellbeing) CIC, Heartland Yoga and Wellness, Huddersfield Pregnancy Crisis (operating as Talk Thru), Huddersfield Support Group for Autism, Huddersfield Town Foundation, Huddersfield Walking Cricket, Kirkheaton Senior Citizens Club, MHA Communities Kirklees, Muslim Elderly Disabled Organisation (MEDO), Naija Connection Huddersfield, Phil James (Windrush event), Ravensthorpe in Bloom, Shabang, St Mary’s Community Centre Friendship Café, The Heads Up Choir, Thornton Lodge Action Group, Training Cave Ltd, Trinjana, Waterloo Bowling Club, Windy Bank Gardening Club, Yorkshire Wellbeing Skills Group, Youth Matters Kirklees CIC and Cowlersley Community Out Of School Club CIC, Yvonne Battle-Felton – telling it like its lived, Aspire Creating Communities


Community Grants

How to apply

Check if you are eligible to apply – download our CPF Criteria & Guidance (also check out our FAQs below).

If you are eligible, you can download our CPF Application Form(If the links don’t work, go to settings and “allow pop-ups” on your browser)

Before you can apply for over £1,000, you must be registered with the Council’s Grant Access Point.  For more information, email thirdsector@kirklees.gov.uk.

We recommend groups with a GAP score of 1 apply for up to £5k maximum, groups with a score of 2 or above can apply for up to £10k maximum and groups with 4 or 5 may apply for up to £25k.

For further support with your project or activity, and writing your application, you can also contact Third Sector Leaders.

Remember, we’re here to help – for more information, speak with your local Community Plus Community Connector, email us, call 01484 225224 or come along to the next online Community Plus Fund Information on 8th October 2-3 and 16th October 12-1. Get your tickets here https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cpf-qa-support-session-tickets-1028092501347

Community Grants Service
Community Grants

Criteria and guidance

The Community Plus Fund (CPF) is for individuals or Third Sector organisations such as a charity, not-for-profit organisation, voluntary or community group to deliver community-led projects in Kirklees.

Applicants must be willing to engage in ongoing collaboration with Community Plus and other partners to achieve the best outcomes for individuals and communities in Kirklees and adhere to the Council’s Standard Conditions of Grant.

Individual grants under £200 can be paid into an individual’s bank account. Grants over £200 must be paid into a bank account with two unrelated signatories for transactions / withdrawals. We can support smaller groups to link with a constituted organisation which can hold funds on your behalf.

You must agree that all funding will only be used for the purposes set out in your application form and that any under-spend, misspend or unsubstantiated spend will be returned to the Council. All successful applicants need to supply spend evidence (receipts/bank records/pay slips) and project monitoring at half-way and end-of-project stages.

Funding FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

We are looking for funding and support, who can help us?

We can help you promote your project, signpost you to specialist support and connect you with partners and council services. We also recommend you speak with your Ward Councillors and Third Sector Leaders for additional support and advice.  You can also view other funding sources.

What do we do first?

You must register with the Council’s Grants Access Point (GAP). Registration may take several weeks. Bids under £1,000 do not need GAP registration.

What is the maximum we can apply for, and for how long?

We fund projects lasting up to 24 months.

  • Up to £200 for individuals, no GAP score required
  • Up to £1,000 for all groups, no GAP score required
  • Up to £5,000 for all groups with GAP score 1 or above
  • Up to £10,000 for groups with GAP score 2 or above
  • Up to £25,000 for groups with GAP score 4 or 5

How do we apply?

Fill in the application form and email it as a Word Document (not a photo, JPG or PDF) to communityplusfund@kirklees.gov.uk.

Individuals or small groups bidding for up to £1,000 do not need GAP registration. However, you may be asked to show evidence of any relevant safeguarding policy, public liability insurance or risk assessment if we think this is necessary. For example, if your project involves vulnerable people or has elements which are deemed to be of high risk.

You must accept full responsibility for all your funded activities and the safety and well-being of the participants, staff, volunteers, equipment, premises or project location.

Can we use the funding to maintain an existing project?

Yes. If the existing project is already being successfully delivered, and you want to extend and upscale its offering and improve its reach and inclusivity for potential beneficiaries. Groups who have previously had funding from Community Plus, cannot apply for a grant for the same project. This is due to limited funding being available, increasing demand and the ethos of the Fund being to encourage, develop and inspire new community activity.

Do people taking part in our project delivery need DBS checks?

Yes. You need to be able to show us proof of valid and appropriate DBS checks for anyone involved in your project, paid or voluntary. It will need to be an Enhanced DBS check for anyone who could encounter under 18s or vulnerable adults as part of the funded project.

How do the funding panels work?

Eligible bids are considered by two panels of council managers, Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) representatives and other partners.

Bids up to £10,000 go to Small Panel and bids over £10,000 go to Large Panel.

Small Panel is chaired by a Community Plus Service Manager and attended by VCS representatives and team managers.

Large Panel is chaired by Head of Local Integrated Partnerships and attended by VCS representatives and service managers. You will be contacted within a few working days with the outcome of your application.

Can the money be used for other activities?

No. Funding only covers costs directly associated with the project in your bid. If your project aims or outcomes change significantly, you must return to Panel with a new bid.

Can we include multiple projects in our bid?

No. You can include more than one activity if you can suitably demonstrate the overall bid has a cohesive theme, and financial structure and it will be managed as a single project.

When will we get the money?

Grants under £5,000 are paid in full into your bank account approximately 10 working days after we receive your signed Grant Agreement. Grants over £5,000 will be paid in two instalments; 50% up front and 50% after we have received and signed off with your half-way monitoring.

Will we still receive our second instalment if it falls into the next financial year?

Yes. Sometimes grant payments overlap financial years. Committed funds are rolled over at year-end and held in a central reserve account to ensure funds are available for your second instalment once we are satisfied with your half-way monitoring.

Can we include volunteer expenses?

Yes. You must include a breakdown in your bid and if funded, produce receipts where possible. The mileage limit is the current Kirklees Council staff rate, currently 45p / mile.

Volunteers should not be out of pocket for volunteering, and we recommend
organisations have an expenses policy and allocate a budget for volunteer
expenses and include this in any funding applications relating to volunteers.
• Claims made by volunteers should be for expenses incurred and no
more as this could be treated as taxable income. A volunteer could be
classed as an employee or worker if they get any other payment or
reward: https://www.gov.uk/volunteering/pay-and-expenses
• Make it easy and convenient for volunteers to claim and be reimbursed.
Reimburse expenses as soon as possible, by petty cash or alternatively
by BACS payment (but bear in mind some Volunteers might not have a
bank account and may not be able to wait for their expenses to be
• Evidence of expenditure such as bus ticket or car parking ticket should
be provided by the volunteer as part of your expenses claim form.
• In your expenses policy agree what travel expenses can be claimed and
any limitations. For example, this is likely to include bus fare, second
class rail fare or car mileage (currently capped by HMRC at 45p per
mile) and car parking. Reimbursing taxi fares may be on the discretion
of the Volunteer Co-ordinator or equivalent – for example if a volunteer
has a disability which means they are unable to travel on public
transport. It is advisable to agree a limit on travel expenses claims –
such as a maximum number of miles from your site that a volunteer can
claim their travel (for example you may not be able to reimburse a
volunteer travelling in from Manchester on a regular basis).
• Consider what other types of expenses that a volunteer may incur that
you could reimburse. Such as meal expenses if volunteering over a
mealtime/ or over a certain number of hours. For example, some
organisations offer lunch expenses if volunteering over 4 or 5 hours in
any one session. Ensure a receipt is collected as evidence – this could
be, for example a supermarket meal deal or the ingredients a volunteer
used to make their lunch. Again, it is useful to cap this at a maximum
amount such as £4 per meal.
• Volunteers may also incur other costs such as buying clothing or
equipment to enable them to volunteer (such as gardening gloves),
admin costs (such as stationery, postage or phone calls) or childcare
costs. Consider what/if you are able to reimburse and make this clear.
TSL Kirklees can provide sample volunteer documents such as expenses
forms and a Volunteer Policy template. We also offer a free ‘Volunteer
Management Good Practice’ training session (free of charge).
For more information/help please contact:
Becky Bracey, Volunteer Services Lead becky@tslkirklees.org.uk

Can we include expenses specifically for market research?

No, this is not allowed.

Can we include funding for a salary?

Yes, as part of a project. You must demonstrate future sustainability of the role and its impact, such as the number of beneficiaries and the effect it will have on people’s lives.

What happens if we do not meet monitoring requirements?

You can download your Monitoring Form here:

Under £5k Monitoring Form

Over £5k Monitoring Form

Monitoring is due within 6 weeks of the half-way and end dates of your project. Failure to comply with deadlines or the requirements may result in payments being withheld, some or all the monies being repaid to us and / or ineligibility to receive future Council funding. You will be given the monitoring forms at the beginning of your project so there are no surprises along the way and you can be well-prepared.

Will we be left to progress with the project?

We are here to support you along the way, and our Community Coordinators will visit your project and, hopefully, bring along people they are working with.

Will our local councillors be aware that we are applying for funding?

Yes. Councillors are invited to submit comments and feedback which are presented at Panel with your application.

Can you apply for funding in our own right and as part of another organisation’s grant application?

No. In the same financial year, groups cannot apply for funding in their own right while also being funded as a significant facilitator or contributor on another project funded by the Community Plus Fund.

Can we use the funding to keep us going, i.e. core running costs?

No. However, we will consider up to 20% of your full application as a contribution towards your core running costs for the duration of the specified project only.

What happens if we produce a public report as part of the funding?

This will need ratification from us prior to publication or distribution.

Can we ask for contingency funding in our bid or ask for more money once we have been funded?


What do we do with any unspent money at the end of the project?

Any underspend must be returned to the council. By exception, we may consider an underspend being used for other purposes depending on purpose and amount.

Can we apply for another CPF grant when our funding runs out?

Your bid needs to include a plan for sustainability. You cannot re-apply for another Community Plus Fund grant within 12 months of the end date of your funded project.

Can we use the funding to deliver the same project in the same area which is already provided by others?


Q. Can we use the funding to buy food, toiletries and other goods to hand out to the public free-of-charge?


Can we have funding for activities, or a project already being funded by the council?

No. However, you can apply for funding for a different project or activities if you can demonstrate there is no risk of funding being duplicated.

Can we use the funding to repay loans, pay interest repayments, shore up deficits or support gambling?


Can we use the funding for capital costs, ongoing maintenance or refurbishment works?

No. Some small capital costs may be considered (competitive quotes may be required) subject to an appraisal of the proposal and its outcomes. We are not able to fund site facilities and large equipment projects for sports clubs or community buildings

Can we use the funding for religious or political activities?

No. However, faith organisations can apply to support projects for the common good.

How will an appeal be dealt with?

Appeals against a decision made, will be restricted to a material error in the process.

Additional supporting evidence to the original application will not be considered. An independent person at the council who is not involved in the panel process, will undertake this role.

Does the fund have a General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Privacy Notice?

Can we include therapeutic mental health provision?

We will fund projects which support the ‘early intervention and prevention’ ethos of mental good health. Projects can offer MH support if you can demonstrate there are partnerships and pathways in place in association with existing statutory provision and governed bodies. You must also demonstrate that you will; use social factors of health to support your approach (such as isolation, housing, access to green spaces); target areas where need is greatest; draw on ‘lived experience’ and wider community to identify solutions and promote equality; work to lessen the stigma associated with MH problems. You must demonstrate the appropriate qualification of potential providers and mechanisms in place for an onward referral pathway as required, on a person-centred basis.

Do we have to collect demographic data for our beneficiaries?

Yes, the monitoring form asks for breakdowns of gender, age, ethnicity and disability so you will need to gather this information as you go along

UK Prosperity Fund

This project is part-funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

The Community Plus Fund project is being delivered by Kirklees Council and is part funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF). In West Yorkshire, the West Yorkshire Combined Authority leads the implementation of the Fund as part of the Mayor’s ambition to make West Yorkshire the best place to work, learn and live.

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills.

For more information, visit https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-shared-prosperity-fund-prospectus


Referral form