Access Support

What we can do

We work with people of all ages, providing flexible and personalised support.

We can:

  • Help you think about what changes you want to make and support you in achieving your goals.
  • Support you to connect to groups and activities.
  • Work with you to build confidence in what you want to do.
  • Help connect you to volunteering and employment opportunities.
  • Reduce isolation and loneliness through connecting you to other people.
Access Support Dog and Owner

Access Support Screen Painting
Access Support

What's On

To find out more of what’s going on in your area, please look at our What’s On page. You will also find us at a community group near you, so please look at our Must Read and Watch section to see some of our recent successes.

In the past year we have supported over 5,700 individuals, through brief discussions and longer term, one to one support. Of those people…

  • 70% started introducing change
  • 58% achieved change
  • 68% found they had an improvement in their mental wellbeing and had reduced feelings of isolation and loneliness
What people say


She has listened to him and his needs. Made suggestions about services that he may benefit from and followed up by taking him to the ones that he has shown an interest in. His confidence has increased as a result of the co-ordinators input.
Introduction from Batley
Group with arms around each other
What people say


You are an angel, I thought everyone had forgotten me, but you are the only person I have talked to today. Thank you for making my day.
Introduction from Huddersfield
Couple Preparing Food
What people say


Just wanted to say thank you.  Thomas has said, when CAMHS signed him off he felt like his security net was gone.  He said you have made him feel like it could be coming back.  He was listening to you and thinks that you seemed to understand better that other services have.  Again, thank you
Introduction from Rural
hands on top of each other in a circle