As a service we support a number of national campaigns to raise awareness in the Communities we work closely within.

Dementia Action Week is a national event hosted by Alzheimer’s Society that sees the UK ‘take action’ to improve the lives of people affected by dementia. The theme of this year’s campaign is ‘diagnosis’. This Dementia Action Week we’re encouraging individuals and their families to seek a timely diagnosis and avoid reaching crisis point.

To support this years event we set up Dementia Friends Training for all our Coordinators at Community plus and to our other partner services – Everybody Active, Wellness, Personalised Care and Libraries. We have also attended over 20 specialist Dementia Groups across Kirklees, giving information and advice to over 100 people and referring 12 people into either Community Plus, Wellness or library services.

There are a wide range of Community groups that support those people who are suffering with Dementia and their carers, they include Movement and Games in Chairs sessions, Rugby League Memories, Heads up Choir – Singing with Dementia and Gwennie’s Getaways Memory Cafe. To find a group that’s close to you please use Community directory for dementia, alternatively a Coordinator from Community Plus can work with you one to one to find groups, activities and support in your community – Introduce a person to Kirklees Community Plus.

Alongside this, Kirklees Libraries which includes 24 libraries, the Home Library Service and Kirklees Transcription Service, have all reviewed their service and pledged to create Dementia Friendly Communities in libraries.  They have been supported by Age UK in their bid to become more inclusive and have made small changes including modifying layouts and signposting, promoting books and information, reaching out to local groups and ensuring staff and volunteers are Dementia Friends – Library locations and opening times

If you feel you or a person you know is affected by memory problems or would benefit from specific Dementia Support please see the Kirklees Dementia Support page